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Are There Holistic Rehab Centers in Davie, FL?

Are There Holistic Rehab Centers in Davie, FL?

Are There Holistic Rehab Centers in Davie, FL

If you are looking for rehab centers that create more than just your physical addiction, it might be time to look into holistic rehab centers. Holistic alcohol recovery centers and holistic rehab centers offer a wide range of treatments that are focused on your whole self.

What is Holistic Therapy?

Holistic therapy is often viewed as a separate category from psychotherapy. It refers to any therapy that addresses you as a complete person, integrating your emotional well-being with your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

What is Holistic Therapy Used to Treat?

Holistic therapy can be used to treat things like:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Substance Abuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Personality disorders

Holistic therapy comes in so many forms that it can be broadly applied to many issues with which you might struggle. Many people who deal with relapse have difficulty completing rehab programs or relapse directly after completing rehab programs that focus solely on the physical addiction. You are less likely to succeed without looking into the things that might contribute to that addiction or how to handle stress and triggers to avoid an addiction again.

That is why getting help from holistic addiction treatment centers is so important. At holistic addiction treatment centers, you might get holistic therapy like meditation and yoga, both of which can help you focus on breathing and holding poses. Holistic alcohol recovery centers can offer holistic treatment in addition to AA meetings for individual psychotherapy.

What Are the Benefits of Holistic Addiction Treatment?

Holistic rehab centers can provide a multitude of benefits in your recovery, no matter what it is you are using holistic therapy to treat. Like most things, attending holistic addiction treatment centers allows you to combine holistic therapy with your regular group and individual psychotherapy and perhaps with medication.

  1.  Things like meditation can help you bring your attention back to the present. When dealing with addiction recovery or mental health disorders, stress, anxiety, and discomfort can cause you to spiral out of control. But returning your attention to something as simple as your breathing or as simple as a phrase or Mantra can keep you grounded in the present. 
  2. Mindfulness meditation can help you emotionally detach yourself from what you feel during your treatment, recognizing the good and the bad feelings without letting them define your mood or who you are.
  3. Yoga works concurrently by teaching you, but as you hold a pose and connect your inhalation and exhalation to those physical movements, any physical discomfort or pain will eventually disappear when you move into a new pose. This lays the foundation for accepting that any discomfort or pain you might feel during your drug or alcohol treatment is similarly fleeting and will, at some point, resolve itself. Yoga teaches you to hold physical poses that help you.
  • learn a new skill, 
  • boost your self-esteem, 
  • connect with other people,
  •  focus on your breathing.

Art and music therapy are just two examples of holistic treatment you can get at holistic rehab centers that facilitate open communication with your therapist. You don’t have any training or skill to use a coloring book or listen to music in the background. And yet, studies indicate that these types of holistic treatments make it easier for some people to open up emotionally, get in touch with how they feel, and communicate their progress and feelings with a therapist.

Are There Holistic Rehab Centers in Davie, FL

At Atlantic Recovery Center, a top-rated drug and alcohol treatment center in Davie, you can start treatment for your drug or alcohol addiction that integrates holistic therapy. Our South Florida rehab center emphasizes treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy, where you can increase your level of positive self-talk and identify where you might be nurturing harmful thought patterns.

Our holistic rehab centers are nestled in a stunning natural environment where you can integrate breathwork, mindfulness practices, and meditation. Techniques like journaling, mindful eating, and visualization can give you insight and skills to capitalize on during and after your rehab treatment. You can tour our facility today to see how our beautiful space can help you turn your attention inward and capitalize on our holistic treatments. Let Atlantic Recovery’s holistic rehab centers help you today. Reach out to our admissions team at 866-824-5193.

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